Why Suffering?

It’s one of those questions, at times, that the answer can never measure up to the expectation of the one needing a response. Emotions are high, wounds are deep, and the pain unbearable; we demand answers and God is the one we “raise our fist to” for explanation about His absence when we needed Him most.  Our tendency is to be short-sighted when being compared to the wisdom of God; obligating Him to choose when to step in or not, when to prevent certain situations or not.  It’s God’s choice alone. I acknowledge that’s hard to hear and receive at times.   Hopefully, you can find comfort in knowing that He is sovereign (all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving).  All things will be accounted for and justice will be served – whether in this life or the next. In the meantime, God gives us grace (favor, patience, endurance, peace) to strengthen our will to trust Him through our suffering and to bring greater awareness that He has NOT abandoned us and NEVER will.
God’s word says “My grace is sufficient for you (my lovingkindness and my mercy are more than enough-always available-regardless of the situation) for my power is being perfected (and is completed and shows itself most effectively) in your weakness.  2 Corinthians 12:9 (AMP) 
I am sorry for whatever you might be experiencing right now.  May the God of all hope and peace embrace you deeply and constantly!
P. Lorraine
