The Thirst is Real!

When the body is thirsty, it quickly sends a signal to the brain: drink water!  The longer the thirst exists the more the body moves into rapid response to either reserve supply or intensify the signals to do something or it will shut down – your mouth is dry, the muscles cramp up, eyes stop making tears, become lightheaded, nausea or vomiting, heart pumps harder to compensate for the lack of water, and so on.  The body is not going to stop sending signals until that need is filled.  So it is with our spiritual nature.  
One’s thirst can either lead you on a path of righteousness (God’s standard) or it can lead you on a path of destruction. The bible reveals in Matthew 6:24, no man can serve two masters.  You belong wholly and entirely under the command of one – you must obey the laws of one or the other, but you can’t serve both.  Secular thought believes you should never be satisfied, keep pushing yourself; satisfy the need to have it your own way all the time!  “Yet, the kind of life that develops out of trying to satisfy your own needs (the thirst) shows up in repetitive, loveless, cheap sex; emotional baggage; frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness; trinket gods; magic-show religion; paranoid loneliness; cutthroat competition; all-consuming-yet-never-satisfied wants; a brutal temper; an impotence to love or be loved; divided homes and divided lives; small-minded pursuits and uncontrollable addictions…” (Galatians 5:19-21)  That kind of thirst will always cost you more than you’re willing to pay.
When you have an earnest longing (thirst) for the kind of life God intended for you to have, you will be blessed and satisfied with good things; love, peace, joy, hope and purpose. (Matt 5:6),  (Matt 6:30-33).  He won’t let you down.  God longs to do that just for YOU!
Dear God, I understand how my thirst for the wrong things have led me on a path of destruction.  I am tired of doing things my way and confess you are the only one who can satisfy the emptiness I feel.  I believe you are the only way to an abundant life and I want the life you promised.  You demonstrated your unconditional love for me by sending your Son, Jesus, to die on the cross and raised Him from the dead.  Because of His death and resurrection, I don’t have to be a slave to the things that have wrongly controlled my life.  Forgive me for rejecting you.  Give me of your water so I will never thirst again.  I receive your love into my heart and invite you into my life.  Thank you for eternal life through you.
